Are you living in a difficult situation?, is there something that your living and that you've said this will be impossible to happen?

Sometimes we found ourselves in situationes that make us declare things that we've shouldn't have to even think. You have to understand the power of words, your statments have a lot of influence in the future.

In this day, answer this question that God makes you:

In there anything impossible for God?

I'll help you with the answer: There isn't anything impossible for Gord!!, because of the only reason, he es almighty.

Consider the context of this passege:
- Abraham, old, sarah, old and sterile, they didn't have logical chances to have a son. They had everything against them. Only one thing on favour, God's promess.

Let's analyze the promess:
- "On the appointed time I will come back to you"..
God designates time for the compliance of this promess, It's not your time, neither my time, It's God's time, and that's where the key is, if you understand this, you will have to arm yourself with patience to wait for the time of God.

-..."and on the appointed time of life, sarah will have a son"...
Life's time, doesn't mean the give circunstances, It means that God has established in that time the will to give you that blessing. think for a second, for Sarah time's life had already passed away in logic, she was old and sterile. But..."time's life according to God"

What you must learn today is that:
1. There's nothing difficult for God.
2. Time is decided by God, don't look at the circunstances, just wait for God's time for your life.

"Lord, today I declare that nothing is impossible for you, I only wait your time, give me patience, in the name of God.

God bless you.
Pastor Jorge

Traduccion: Marcos valentinuz


"Because of Faith Enoc was drawn from this world without experimenting death; he wasn't found because God took him, but before of that he recieved testemony of pleasing God"

How much of you want to please God, how much of you yearn a faith so big that causes God's satisfaction.
The story of Genesis is clear, Enoc had 65 years when he started walking in faith with God, he was 300 years being faithful to God and when he was 365 years God took him.
An amazing story, "The faith that pleases God, is the faith of who remains faithful"
Who walk daily with God, are who develop supernatural faith, that wich moves mountains, that wich produces the miracle wich you need today, that wich changes unfavorable situations into favorable ones, that faith wich changes a problem into a blessing for you and your family.

"God, like Enoc one day started to walk faithfully with you, today I decide to walk with you, I will be obedient to your word, I will declare your promesses like true for my life and I will experiment your supernatural power, in the name of Jesus"

God bless you
pastor Jorge.

Traduccion: Marcos V

..."Because of faith Abel Offered God a sacrifise better than's Cain"...

..."Because of faith Abel Offered God a sacrifise better than's Cain"...Hebrews 11:4

Why did Abel enter in the list of heroes in faith?

Genesis book relats us that Abel presented to God with the best of his herd and presented it offering. But what impacted God was the heart that with Abel had presented himself. If you analize the passage of Genesis 4, you would see that It doesn't say that Cain offered the worst he had. The story says that the two of them presented to God with offerings. What was that made the difference? the heart wich the offering was presented,

Faith changes your heart, and makes you reach God in a different way. In this day you must understand that It's not how big is your offering, It's the heart with you do it, that's what God's look.

Given God the best that you have with all your heart makes you offer him in a disinterested way, knowing that he's your provider.

"Lord, in this day, give me a heart different to manage my faith in you. Today I present myself with my offering that's my life presented in a living sacrifice, bless me in this day, in the name of Jesus"

God bless you.
Pastor Jorge

Traduccion: Marcos V.

Certainty and Conviction

... "It is the certainty of faith what is expected, the conviction of what is not" ...Hebrews 11:1

In this Passage in which faith is described, we find two keywords:
Certainty and conviction, the author of Hebrew's book is teaching us that faith is having knowledge and the security that what we are waiting for and still not see, Is real, that it's coming, and it will be real.
"In this day, Lord I wanna be a person who has faith, I have the Certainty that what you have promessed to me is

comingo, I'm sure that, what I dont see today, I will see it. In the name of Jesus"
God bless you.
Pastor Jorge.

Translation: Marcos V.


"My soul praises the Lord and doesn't forget any of his benefits, ... He is the one who heals all your diseases" ...Psalm 103, 2:3b

The first benefit that God has gave to you is the forgiveness of your sins, now...the second on puts on more blessing that you already have. David in the bible tells us that "God heals all our pains". Yes! God give you that benefit, I dare you to take that amazing blessing.

"Lord, thank you, because this is the day of my health. Today I declare healthy of all my pain, I declare sane of all my espiritual sickness. Today I'm gonna live and lead like someone that has experimented your health"
God bless you.

Pastor Jorge.

Traduccion: Marcos V


..."persecuted but not abandoned"...2º Co. 4:9

The Apostle Paul alerts us about the persecution and clarificate's us that we'll not be abandoned when why are in it.

What is chasing you today?: Bad regards? wounds of the past? tentation?, sins comitted and not conffesed?, whatever it is, God is your under. It doesn't matter what is hauting you today, what imports is that he will not leave you.

"Lord, I will face this new day giving truth importance to who has protecting me, I revoke the bad memories, heal the wounds of my soul, save me from tentation. I confess my sins and I'm sorry for them. You are my protector in this day, in the name of Jesus"

God bless you.Pastor Jorge

Traduccion: Marcos Valentinuz


"Hard, but not hopeless"...2 Co. 4:8

I've heared the phrase: "Peace in the storm"?. This is excatly what goes on when you have that treasure in a glass of mud. The faith that God has given to you produces the miracle, you can be at trouble, you can be threatened from the bad news, it can be that the prognosis isin't what your waiting for. But, you won't desperate, because the one that has gave you the treasure, will give you peace in the storm.

"Lord, today I'll walk witouth despair in middle of the circumstances of life, god, you will be the one that gives me peace. Your company will be for me the motive for erradictating the despair of my life"

God bless you

Pastor Jorge

Traduccion: Marcos Valentinuz


The essence of Christianity...

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